Your Life,

Your Growth,

Your Coach.

For leaders and frontline workers in healthcare, access to a coach can create a safe space to manage stress and uncertainty, build resilience and calm, develop self-care behaviors and emotional agility to get through intense times. Paula walks alongside her clients creating pathways to increasing skills and pragmatic solutions. Paula brings her specific skills and training in Mindful Leadership to assist her clients to progress into the leader they envision themselves to be.


You Matter

 Paula’s passion is to help leaders in Healthcare to pursue their lives with greater clarity, passion and purpose. She supports them to connect with their intentions to work in Health and help them realize their unique gifts and  strengths, achieve their goals and reach their full potential. This enables leaders to contribute to their organisations in a way that accerlerates team performance enhances team culture and attracts people to their teams which ultimately increases staff and  patient outcomes and satisfaction. Her focus is on inner leadership and balance for the people she is coaching with her logo being “YOU MATTER’ to prevent burnout. Her training in Mindfulness gives you new tools to enable you on this journey.


Dream Big

For entrepreneurs, starting your own healthcare business can be scary and lonely. While you are following a dream the day to day reality can be overwhelming. Paula has walked this path starting her own Urgent Care centers and knows all about burning the midnight oil while juggling motherhood, self-care and marriage. Her skill comes in “Walking With” you so you can show up in all areas of your life in your ‘Best Self’, this along with health administration and HR knowledge and mindful leadership training make her a great partner for the journey of startup business owners. She also provides nudges in the bigger picture perspective at a time when it feels like you are living in the weeds. Paula helps leaders grow into their potential accelerating team performance and business growth.

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Mindful Leadership

Communication, wellbeing and influence are key areas that leaders in healthcare wrestle with. Gaining skills in these areas using skills of mindful leadership can lead to greater job satisfaction and therefore effect those around us and most importantly our own world. This translates into a high performing workforce ready to tackle what comes their way. Whether you’re trying to improve a little each day or reach a big milestone Paula helps you identify your values, achieve your goals, and be you at your best. Paula is trained as a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction teacher so helps you translate these tools to help you access your inner resources to add more tools to your toolbox to become a mindful leader influencing those around you